Jan 2020 Status Update
As promised last year, I am back with another Namalsk status update. In fact the first one for 2020. I hope 2020 has been treating everyone well so far. For me it certainly begun as a very busy one, but it has also been really fun one so far.
I would highly encourage you to read latest official blog post explaining the development goals for the year 2020. If you read it carefully, you will certainly not miss the fact that one of the goals in gameplay improvements is to get environment exposure sorted out. Now if you remember my last status update on Namalsk (available here), you may know that my goal is not to in fact release a mod that is patching the base game, but rather have the base game improved and (obviously) have Namalsk as mod easier to manage long term. Happy to say that the pitch went through and more improvements are coming to the base game. Some things are obvious, some need further design, but I will get it done.
What does it mean in terms of the timeline? Now that I know that I do have the opportunity to improve the base game (platform), it means that Namalsk wont be released until majority of the changes (outlined in last status update) will be incorporated into the platform itself. I can’t promise you a release date yet, but please keep in mind that this is the best thing that could have happened to Namalsk and I am very excited to finally survive the frozen wasteland with all of you later this year!
To give you some idea of what I have been working on this month – update 1.06 has brought hundreds of new assets to utilise and that is exactly what I started working on. I am mostly interested in ivy-less ruins from Livonia alongside newly added slum sheds and roofs. With the ivy-less ruins, I was able to finally properly implement the remnants of the village of Sebjan on the southern part of Namalsk. This village will not be spawning any food, but it should be go-to-place when it comes to the hunting gear.

I have also started placing various slum sheds and roofs at meaningful locations to fill the landscape more and offer various places to get some basic loot and possibly provide a shelter, should you need it. I have also used these to replace various custom legacy assets, which were not really up to visual standards.

That is all for this report, but worry not, I will be back with another next month. Got any questions? Drop them on my social media or join me at some evening streams!