To get Arma 3: Original War, subscribe to the following Steam Workshop item and wait for the download. After that, go to Arma 3 Launcher – Mods and enable Arma 3: Original War. To play Arma 3: Original War, you need to own Arma 3: Apex and Arma 3: Marksmen DLCs to play it without any issues. Please note that following link will open Steam Client directly (use this link if you want to open it in your web browser).
Please keep in mind that this mod has not yet been tested with any other mods (it may not function well, I highly recommend running just this mod alone and nothing else). Do not forget to visit Development section for information about newest version along with its known issues. If you are lost in what do to with the mod, please visit How to play section of this website.
Thank you for your interest in Arma 3: Original War! I hope that you will enjoy playing it as much as I did creating and testing it! See you in past!