Choose mod version based on the game you own! (click on one of the lines)

Namalsk Crisis, 2.4 (1.15.4) [ARMA II: Combined Operations]

Hi everyone, after ~2 years, finally.. I want to share with you information about release - campaign called Namalsk Crisis along with [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk mod. Maybe you have already heard about this modification and maybe also you already tried some older version in ArmA 1 (but that was really only alpha release in compare to current version). Anyway, back to the campaign - with release of the version of Nightstalkers mod for the ArmA 1, I released also some kind of proloque for the campaign called Namalsk Crisis...

NOW, in Arma II, I'm releasing a full version of this campaign along with full version of [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk. Campaign featuring 22 missions with a unique atmosphere, situations, scenes and excellent music! A part of this campaign is also reworked prologue from ArmA 1 version and if you were angry about how proloque ended in ArmA 1, don't worry, you are now able to find out more, what happened!

Counter on the official website just stopped and that means.. Tamika Maclemar just landed on Namalsk, trying find out, what happened! Join her and discover secrets of Namalsk! Fight in unique world's superpowers co-operation against evil corporation NAC!

Map of this post


What is currently happening

Description of Update 2 aka "Pathfinder"

Namalsk Crisis


Important notes for gameplay


Shadow of Namalsk




Editor modules

Editor's depot



Installation instructions

Download links

Thanks to


What is currently happening

Since October 2012, there is new update series, which was started by releasing huge Update 2 aka "Pathfinder", closely followed by DayZ: Namalsk project launch. This and other irregularly updates, which has been released since then are focused primarly on mods stability with smaller additions. These updates are unfortunately not compatible with Arma II standalone and are only CO compatible.

Newest update, which you can get currently is 2.4, which brings a lot of fixes and improvements to the overall mod and it is closely following its predecessor - Update 2 "Pathfinder" in all aspects. For more details, please visit changelog section. For download, continue here.

Update 2 aka "Pathfinder"

First of all, this update is mainly focused on the improving gameplay and less on fancy stuff, anyway, few major things to talk about: Namalsk Crisis campaign, Namalsk island and Shadow of Namalsk features.

I will start with Namalsk Crisis campaign changes..

Because of changes made on Namalsk (will talk about it later), the whole campaign was made compatible with it (mainly objects positions and absolute positions in scripts). The next change is that I've tried to focus on the overall challenge vs crazyness of several missions and so several missions were a bit modified. There has been also changes in cooperation version of Namalsk Crisis campaign, making it a bit better again (but it is still highly experimental). Of course, while going through all missions, I took a look also on some spelling errors and improved some scripts to behave better. Hopefully these improvements and fixes will make the campaign even more solid. There has been several reports about difficulty or broken missions etc. caused by using some mods, which affect default AI behavior, as I said several times, I do not recommend playing the campaign with them. Campaign has been created and tested under vanilla versions and making the behavior same even with AI mods is almost impossible in some cases.

Then there are Namalsk island changes..

Improving Namalsk was my dream for a very long time.. Several broken, not compatible or older lowres things. The more I worked on my next map, the more I wanted to repair what I have left released. So finally, about a month ago, I simply started with redoing some major gamebreaking things on Namalsk! And results are here - I've totally changed the terrain grid, the old one from OFP Namalsk version is gone for good and replaced with the ultra detailed terrain grid, which makes Namalsk better in gameplay and it also change a lot its look! The next and very major things were bugs in objects. The most noticable is the addition of paths and positions for AI for all custom objects! No more running into building to take a cover against AI! With these objects changes, there was also a lot of objects improved by adding better collision geometries and more penetrations materials. But that is not all at all! Because we have nice flashlights on weapons, we should also have nice lights on the every objects! This was previously bugged or not working at all because objects did not have materials at all or they had simple shaders, but since this update all custom buildings (and even the older ones by BIS) on Namalsk have applied super shader materials and so lights from cars and flashlights are working awesomely! With the changes of all materials, I've also took a look on a repairing stupid looking normal maps and removing most of the specular maps. When the buildings got the fresh air, I've been going through the overall AI accessibility of the locations on the island. There has been several changes in it - changing positions or even removing some smaller objects. The results are quite good, altough my goal was not to redo the whole locations, so you still need to take in mind, that Namalsk simply does have a bit detailed locations and so you may not turn your tank squad there, nor your AI mates (but your squad actually should be able roam in the undeground now!). Next things, which kept me worried was the transitions between the snow and normal landscape, so I took a look on it and improved those parts, I think, you will like it! With this change came also change of satellitle texture and surface mask. Altough I did not have time for redoing the whole satellite texture (but it would be of course awesome.. well maybe sometimes later), I've improved it on the several places, including that snow transition, also coastline & sea and added shadows under vegetation. There is completely new more interresting surface mask generated, so the landscape is even more interresting now. With the 2d change of coastline comes also the 3d change of the terrain there, which I've tried to make a bit more normal than it was with the previous grid. Okay, se we've got some really nice changes to island's core. Now some new things.. there are completely new roads, paths and locations, for example extended Seraja base and new military base under Nitija. I took a quick look also on the objects, which could be made even better and choosed candidates for the enterable state. SO, there are some new awesome enterable objects, including buildings surrounding the Seraja transmitter, farm houses and industrial objects. When we are on the object topic, I've also upgraded some buildings to its Arma II versions (including railway tracks), randomized some vegetation objects, which were not randomized at all and upgraded all rock models by Arma II versions. I recommend you to visit changelog section to read more about all the changes, this is just a glimpse! Of course, all these changes can have a small impact on the missions made on the island before this update, so please test it if everything looks okay and working fine, believe me, this update is worth updating your missions!

TL;DR Wall of text right? :D Namalsk got an awesome gameplay boost, old terrain removed (50 meters between vertexes), new added (6.25 meters), tons of little details added to the new terrain, AI can now enter every corner of the map, flashlights are working everywhere, everything does look better, new locations and objects added and you can even enter more buildings than ever before!

Also, be sure you will scout every corner of this new Namalsk, I've prepared the whole new set of easter eggs, some of them are reffering on my next big project! Find out what some information before any official information release! :)

So that would be Namalsk, now to the news around Shadow of Namalsk..

I've described many changes, which are connected to the Shadow of Namalsk already when I was talking about Namalsk, but I can mention for example that during the upgrading materials and overall upgrading object templates on the map, I was able to partially clean data files, which results in much smaller size of the main data files for Namalsk island. I've also changed completely models of the vegetation (trees to be precise), and fixing some visual bugs on them. The long wanted thing for AII undeground module was also implemented - module now tracks player's position and in case of entering the underground object, it turns off the ambient sounds and start looping ambient of the underground object. Of course, upon exiting, it will turn back the normal ambient sounds.

> Screenshots & Videos

You can browse over 129 screenshots here!

You can watch new Namalsk island in action here!

Namalsk Crisis

campaign for Arma II CO

Current status: Released

Current version: 1.15.4


Namalsk Crisis is a campaign for Arma II or Arma II Combined Operations with over 22 missions. You will be a part of the conflict on the island called Namalsk. Namalsk become as a target for an unknown corporation called NAC (Namalsk corporation). After several months of researches on an unknow alien object, which they found on Namalsk, with a very dangerous experiments, armies of Russia and USA are trying to stop them. Unfortunately, they don't know with whom have honor.

You are able to see the whole conflict from different sides and different people, for example members of private scientist and military group called Nightstalkers, special forces team of USMC, with leader Ryan Goben or also Russian specnaz attack group with leader Yevgeniy Pecharov! You will face different situations, missions have a very strong atmosphere with wisely chosen music and various sound and graphic effects. Situation is described in ingame diary notes and task descriptions and also, you can find a lot of information on the main website -

Campaign was created mostly under normal Arma II, anyway, you can play also under Combined Operations version (Arma II + Arma II OA). Campaign is fully depending on the content of the modification called [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk. So, campaign is released with this modification together in version v1.0, more informations about everything about this mod and its unique features, visit here.

Along with campaign release is also included unique CTI SP/MP mission (based on Benny's excellent warfare mission), set on Namalsk, with edited sides and additional functions. This warfare mission featuring united forces of USA and Russian Federation, trying to stop NAC and their experiments and the NAC, which are trying to hold Namalsk and their researches with everything.

For more detailed information about this wafare mission, continue here



Through whole campaign, you will have a task to find highly classified enemy intel about what NAC actually doing on Namalsk and what's going at all there. Once you will found it, mission will print you access code into rpt file or you will just need to remember it / copy it from diary note (there will be all instructions for using this access code + of course that intel). But because of amount of information there, I have managed to create a special section on the official website called NAC HQ, you will be able to use your code from mission / rpt log file and read all information without to be actually ingame, much better formatted.

Campaign in few points:

- Compatible with Arma II CO

- 4 prologue missions + 18 main missions

- Unique warfare mission focused on showing story from the campaign!

- Atmospheric missions with wisely chosen music and sounds

- Unique features, situations (such as escape from the A2 underground) and sound / graphics effects

- Including non-linear features

- Swift gameplay

- Full background of story provided on and continuing also in-game with diary notes and task description

- Tremendous count of texts avaiable in English or Czech language (see below for more information about language)

- Loading pictures for every mission

- Playing from different persons, you can see the conflict from different sides

- Unique factions, characters (for example private company Nightstalkers and Tamika Maclemar)

Notes about gameplay:

* It is recommended to have music turned on during gameplay

* It is also recommended to have post process effects at least on low

* Autosaves are placed where it is needed

* Campaign went through numerous of beta tests, missions should be without bugs

* I have tried to make mission friendly as possible (without problems with AI)

* Campaign have strings for all Arma II supported languages (if you have for example Polish version, you don't need to switch other language)

* Because of an amount of texts in this 22 mission campaign, only English and Czech translation is available

* It is recommended to not use much ESC key (

* Altough campaign was partly developed in Arma II CO and also tested in CO, gameplay could be little different under Arma II classic or Arma II CO.

Some notes about MP version of Namalsk Crisis campaign

- This is a pure multiplayer version, it is not recommended to play in singleplayer

- It is necessary and very recommended to have in every mission occupied first playable unit (most of the missions depending on actions of this unit)

- Multiplayer version can be recognized in the campaign menu as Namalsk Crisis [MP] and the 'Host' button will be available (Singleplayer version can be recognized in the campaign menu as Namalsk Crisis [SP])

- The multiplayer version is still purely experimental and does not contain everything from SP version, keep in mind that the campaign was primarly developed for SP

- Campaign does not support join in progress and it is not possible to load saved positions

Tons of pictures from gameplay:

[Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk

modification for Arma II CO

Current status: Released


As you probably read about Namalsk Crisis campaign above, this modification is the key part of the Namalsk Crisis campaign. From the first ArmA 1 version, I have changed and added a lot of things to this modification. I have to admit, I never thought, that I will be able to create stuff like you can see in this modification. Because of its functions and content, this modification could also provide to Arma II S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans basics for creating missions with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. atmosphere in Arma II. Modification was developed mainly in Arma II classic, so, some things are not changed - mainly because of not enough time and also because of compatibility in Arma II and Arma II CO.

Modification in few points:

- Namalsk island in the final 1.11 version (see changelog in Namalsk section)

- Factions for Namalsk Crisis campaign

- Editor modules (see below for more information)

- Sound & music database for mission editing

- Other necessary data for Namalsk Crisis campaign

- Compatible with Arma II CO

- Basic UI redefinition (changed mainly loading screens)

> Namalsk island

Namalsk island, in the version 1.55, is available in the release of this modification! With numerous of fixes and changes.

> Factions for Namalsk Crisis campaign


The main "bad guys", defending their researches and their device with stolen Russian vehicles and weapons.

Pictures >


One of the playable factions in the Namalsk Crisis story, featuring bunch of the explorers interested in all sort of mysterious things and experienced in many fields. Private military company called Nightstalkers. 5 members - Tamika Maclemar, Michael Zaytsev, Peter Trepov, Alex Nuvikov and commander Maksim Solovyov.


These strange creatures showed up from nowhere after NAC's experiments and you need to be ready, because they don't want to play with you! Including well known stupid zombies (using excellent anims by TeaCup - Thanks a lot!) and fast, deadly, invisible bloodsuckers (with 3 skins!).

Pictures >

Videos >

> Editor modules

I have to say, this becomes through developing the most important part of this modification. There is available and ready for use 6 modules along with functions and scripts for units. All tested and compatible with multiplayer. I will describe these modules here in short, but if you are interested, you should check detailed section on official web -

Effect: Namalsk default gray color

Effect: Namalsk default color

Effect: Namalsk cold color

Typ: Modules for chaging mission atmosphere.

These modules are created for a better atmosphere in missions on Namalsk. You can choose from 3 types - cold, gray, default. For use, insert chosen module into your mission.

AII Laboratory

Type: Module for controlling the unique underground of the object AII.

I think, you know what Namalsk is and also, that Namalsk is the first island, which have an underground object. With this module you are able to fill this underground with different kind of small objects and also, you are able to control underground light system.


Type: Module for controlling discharges from an alien object on Namalsk

This is one of the most complex and very mission-changing module. It can generate random discharges in your mission just putting module into your mission, you are able to use protection against it or also modify its strength! Have you ever tried, what impact will have an EMP in your mission?

This module is also offering single function (for not so dynamic missions).


Type: Module for spawning and controlling mutants.

One of the factions in this modification is the Mutant faction, these strange creatures showed up from nowhere after NAC's experiments and you need to be ready, because they don't want to play with you! This module is for a random spawning of mutants in your mission, you can turn it off whether you want and protect with easy method important persons in your mission against these creatures.

> Editor's depot

I'm trying to describe on everything, what you need to use functions of the [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk modification.

Here are the most important section, which I will recommend you to check:

Class names >

(Offline version )

Modules description >

> Changelog (Update 2.4)

Added: 4 COOP missions by JTS (Escape part 1,2,3,4)

Changed: "BrokenNVGoggles" no longer occupies NVG/Binoc slot

Changed: Improved init phase on client-part of Blowout module

Changed: "fn_dzn_breathfog" - speed of breathfog has been decreased (to prevent weird looking effect when wind is strong)

Changed: "fn_dzn_snowfall" - no longer requires is in building check pre-compiled

Changed: Lowered strength of ambient colour module effects (Effect: Namalsk cold color, Effect: Namalsk default gray color)

Changed: Finalized the way mutants work in MP (everything should be correctly visible and broadcasted now - but again, it requires a functions manager for MP)

Changed: Lowered zombie damage

Changed: Several other little things in ns_modules.pbo

Changed: Few minor details on sat texture for Namalsk

Changed: Few minor details on surface texture for Namalsk (Tara island and some other locations have more grass now)

Changed: Balance changes in different campaign missions

Fixed: Several objects positions on Namalsk

Fixed: A LOT of issues related to the custom models (geometries, shadows, textures), used by Namalsk, making them less exploitable, safer and better looking (Credits goes mainly to Vilas for help!)

Fixed: An issue at the start of Blowout module (client-part)

Fixed: An issue with "missing static object" for campaign mission 1,2,4,22a (SP and MP) (caused by waypoint attached to map object, which are constantly changed by map updates)

Fixed: An issue with mission 5 (MP) not being playable (only intro-scene previously)

Fixed: An issue with (not-game-breaking - appears only when ns_dayz present) mission dependency on ns_dayz addon in mission 6,7a,7b,8,10,22a (SP and MP)

Fixed: Minor script issue when entering Vorkuta in 10th mission (MP)

Fixed: Issues at the start of mission 12 and on Sabre point (MP)

Fixed: Part of 12 mission has been redone for MP version to be more logical and enjoyable from 2-player perspective (MP)

Fixed: Issues at the start of mission 13 (MP)

Fixed: Data download from mission objective laptop should always work now (MP)

Fixed: Issues at the start of mission 15, issue with AI often not following their waypoints and improved mission flow to support 2-player perspective (MP)

Fixed: Init of mission 17 (MP)

Fixed: False notification about player not following orders in mission 18 (MP)

Fixed: Minor sync issues in mission 18,20,21,22a,22b (MP)

Removed: Redundant data in ns_modules.pbo

Please note that this package includes all of the previous updates and this changelog only displays newest changes, which has been made. For view on complete changes since 1.0 version, continue here:

> Installation instructions

Instructions for full package

This package is for users, who dont own this mod at all..

Extract contents of nc_pathfinder4_full.7z into root folder of Arma II OA.

To run the mod use -mod=@NC parameter on arma2oa.exe.

Instructions for update package

This package is for users, who already owns this mod in version 2.X..

Extract contents of nc_pathfinder4_update.7z into root folder of Arma II OA and confirm overwrite.

To run the mod use -mod=@NC parameter on arma2oa.exe.

> List of files nc_pathfinder4_full.7z


































> List of files in nc_pathfinder4_update.7z

















> Download

Namalsk Crisis, 2.4 [any to v1.15.4]


nc_pathfinder4_full.7z, 7z archive

> Thanks to

Apo (testing Namalsk in A1/A2, testing beta version of Namalsk Crisis)

Benny (for his excellent warfare mission)

Eawes (testing, paths for AI, translation, developer support)

Crytek (rifle texture)

Dokix2 (testing Namalsk in A2)

Edge (testing pre-release version)

Grub (testing pre-release version)

GSC Gameworld (some textures, models and sounds)

JTS (propagation, testing, coop missions)

Kju (config optimalization, advices and bug report)

Mikebart (grass texture)

Pikus (some models of objects)

Rsa Viper (mp testing, developer support)

Saigos (photos for making Jalovisko village)

SenChi (grass texture)

TeaCup (awesome zombie animation)

Aeious "BlackOuT" Killhound (testing, propagation)

Eawes (dev support, master of paths pro AI, testing)

DayZ (best way to test island :D)

Vilas (huge help with texture and model fixing in 2.4)

To all music creators {

 Hans Zimmer

 Sean Murray

 Jesper Kyd

 Rom Di Prisco



 Harry Gregson-Williams

 Norihiko Hibino

 Clinton Shorter

 Clint Mansell

 Two Steps From Hell

 Alexey Omelchuk

 Jon Hallur

 Don Davis

 Graeme Revell

 Groove Armada


 Ondřej Matějka

 Metro 2033

 Massive Attack

 Trevor Rabin

 Peter Antovszki


To all, who helped create Namalsk better with reports

To guys on community forums and pages for support

YOU for playing!

and Bohemia Interactive for great game!

Last few words, all stuff here was created mainly by 1 person in his free time..



leader and creator of Namalsk Crisis campaign & Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk modification


Namalsk Crisis, 1.1 (1.10.1) [ARMA II (standalone)]

Hi everyone, after ~2 years, finally.. I want to share with you information about release - campaign called Namalsk Crisis along with [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk mod. Maybe you have already heard about this modification and maybe also you already tried some older version in ArmA 1 (but that was really only alpha release in compare to current version). Anyway, back to the campaign - with release of the version of Nightstalkers mod for the ArmA 1, I released also some kind of proloque for the campaign called Namalsk Crisis...

NOW, in Arma II, I'm releasing a full version of this campaign along with full version of [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk. Campaign featuring 22 missions with a unique atmosphere, situations, scenes and excellent music! A part of this campaign is also reworked prologue from ArmA 1 version and if you were angry about how proloque ended in ArmA 1, don't worry, you are now able to find out more, what happened!

Counter on the official website just stopped and that means.. Tamika Maclemar just landed on Namalsk, trying find out, what happened! Join her and discover secrets of Namalsk! Fight in unique world's superpowers co-operation against evil corporation NAC!

Map of this post

Namalsk Crisis


Important notes for gameplay


Shadow of Namalsk




Editor modules

Editor's depot


Installation instructions

Download links

Thanks to

Namalsk Crisis

campaign for Arma II

Current status: Released

Current version: 1.10.1


Namalsk Crisis is a campaign for Arma II or Arma II Combined Operations with over 22 missions. You will be a part of the conflict on the island called Namalsk. Namalsk become as a target for an unknown corporation called NAC (Namalsk corporation). After several months of researches on an unknow alien object, which they found on Namalsk, with a very dangerous experiments, armies of Russia and USA are trying to stop them. Unfortunately, they don't know with whom have honor.

You are able to see the whole conflict from different sides and different people, for example members of private scientist and military group called Nightstalkers, special forces team of USMC, with leader Ryan Goben or also Russian specnaz attack group with leader Yevgeniy Pecharov! You will face different situations, missions have a very strong atmosphere with wisely chosen music and various sound and graphic effects. Situation is described in ingame diary notes and task descriptions and also, you can find a lot of information on the main website -

Campaign was created mostly under normal Arma II, anyway, you can play also under Combined Operations version (Arma II + Arma II OA). Campaign is fully depending on the content of the modification called [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk. So, campaign is released with this modification together in version v1.0, more informations about everything about this mod and its unique features, visit here.

Along with campaign release is also included unique CTI SP/MP mission (based on Benny's excellent warfare mission), set on Namalsk, with edited sides and additional functions. This warfare mission featuring united forces of USA and Russian Federation, trying to stop NAC and their experiments and the NAC, which are trying to hold Namalsk and their researches with everything.

For more detailed information about this wafare mission, continue here



Through whole campaign, you will have a task to find highly classified enemy intel about what NAC actually doing on Namalsk and what's going at all there. Once you will found it, mission will print you access code into rpt file or you will just need to remember it / copy it from diary note (there will be all instructions for using this access code + of course that intel). But because of amount of information there, I have managed to create a special section on the official website called NAC HQ, you will be able to use your code from mission / rpt log file and read all information without to be actually ingame, much better formatted.

Campaign in few points:

- Compatible with classic Arma II

- 4 prologue missions + 18 main missions

- Unique warfare mission focused on showing story from the campaign!

- Atmospheric missions with wisely chosen music and sounds

- Unique features, situations (such as escape from the A2 underground) and sound / graphics effects

- Including non-linear features

- Swift gameplay

- Full background of story provided on and continuing also in-game with diary notes and task description

- Tremendous count of texts avaiable in English or Czech language (see below for more information about language)

- Playing from different persons, you can see the conflict from different sides

- Unique factions, characters (for example private company Nightstalkers and Tamika Maclemar)

Notes about gameplay:

* It is recommended to have music turned on during gameplay

* It is also recommended to have post process effects at least on low

* Autosaves are placed where it is needed

* Campaign went through numerous of beta tests, missions should be without bugs

* I have tried to make mission friendly as possible (without problems with AI)

* Campaign have strings for all Arma II supported languages (if you have for example Polish version, you don't need to switch other language)

* Because of an amount of texts in this 22 mission campaign, only English and Czech translation is available

* It is recommended to not use much ESC key (

* Altough campaign was partly developed in Arma II CO and also tested in CO, gameplay could be little different under Arma II classic or Arma II CO.

Some notes about MP version of Namalsk Crisis campaign

- This is a pure multiplayer version, it is not recommended to play in singleplayer

- It is necessary and very recommended to have in every mission occupied first playable unit (most of the missions depending on actions of this unit)

- Multiplayer version can be recognized in the campaign menu as Namalsk Crisis [MP] and the 'Host' button will be available (Singleplayer version can be recognized in the campaign menu as Namalsk Crisis [SP])

- The multiplayer version is still purely experimental and does not contain everything from SP version, keep in mind that the campaign was primarly developed for SP

- Campaign does not support join in progress and it is not possible to load saved positions

Tons of pictures from gameplay:

[Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk

modification for Arma II

Current status: Released


As you probably read about Namalsk Crisis campaign above, this modification is the key part of the Namalsk Crisis campaign. From the first ArmA 1 version, I have changed and added a lot of things to this modification. I have to admit, I never thought, that I will be able to create stuff like you can see in this modification. Because of its functions and content, this modification could also provide to Arma II S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans basics for creating missions with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. atmosphere in Arma II. Modification was developed mainly in Arma II classic, so, some things are not changed - mainly because of not enough time and also because of compatibility in Arma II and Arma II CO.

Modification in few points:

- Namalsk island in the final 1.11 version (see changelog in Namalsk section)

- Factions for Namalsk Crisis campaign

- Editor modules (see below for more information)

- Sound & music database for mission editing

- Other necessary data for Namalsk Crisis campaign

- Compatible with classic Arma II and also Arma II CO

- Basic UI redefinition (changed mainly loading screens)

> Namalsk island

Namalsk island, in the final version 1.11, is available in the release of this modification! With numerous of fixes and changes.

*Added: New in-game-menu scenes - you are going to love these scenes!

*Added: New ambient sound in "houses" locations (check Vorkuta at night)

*Added: Color schema modules have now global variables of its effects

*Added: New type of the grass

*Added: Proper support of the OA thermal imaging system

*Changed: According to Namalsk Crisis story, wind powerplants on the northen part were destroyed by NAC

*Changed: Names of the color modules

*Fixed: Issue with double playing background ambient sound

*Fixed: Minor changes have been made to the clutter(generated grass) for better fighting

*Fixed: Positions of some objects

*Fixed: Skybox texture definitions

*Fixed: Minor changes in AII laboratory module

*Fixed: AII module will now work properly only on Namalsk

*Fixed: Various issues with AII module in MP

*Fixed: Not properly working destrType="DestructNo"; on some objects

*Fixed: Fire Geometry Lod for medium and small fir trees (no longer so bullet proof)

*Fixed: Several issues with alpha channel on textures (white artefacts,..)

*Fixed: Several issues on objects while using AA enabled (underground, trees,..)

*Fixed: Color of some tree textures

*Fixed: Railroad is now visible on the map

*Fixed: Minor changes in few models and their lods (geometry, roadway,..)

*Known Issue: Some users may experience weird rendering of AII underground while using AA, solution is turning AA off

> Factions for Namalsk Crisis campaign


The main "bad guys", defending their researches and their device with stolen Russian vehicles and weapons.

Pictures >


One of the playable factions in the Namalsk Crisis story, featuring bunch of the explorers interested in all sort of mysterious things and experienced in many fields. Private military company called Nightstalkers. 5 members - Tamika Maclemar, Michael Zaytsev, Peter Trepov, Alex Nuvikov and commander Maksim Solovyov.


These strange creatures showed up from nowhere after NAC's experiments and you need to be ready, because they don't want to play with you! Including well known stupid zombies (using excellent anims by TeaCup - Thanks a lot!) and fast, deadly, invisible bloodsuckers (with 3 skins!).

Pictures >

Videos >

> Editor modules

I have to say, this becomes through developing the most important part of this modification. There is available and ready for use 6 modules along with functions and scripts for units. All tested and compatible with multiplayer. I will describe these modules here in short, but if you are interested, you should check detailed section on official web -

Effect: Namalsk default gray color

Effect: Namalsk default color

Effect: Namalsk cold color

Typ: Modules for chaging mission atmosphere.

These modules are created for a better atmosphere in missions on Namalsk. You can choose from 3 types - cold, gray, default. For use, insert chosen module into your mission.

AII Laboratory

Type: Module for controlling the unique underground of the object AII.

I think, you know what Namalsk is and also, that Namalsk is the first island, which have an underground object. With this module you are able to fill this underground with different kind of small objects and also, you are able to control underground light system.


Type: Module for controlling discharges from an alien object on Namalsk

This is one of the most complex and very mission-changing module. It can generate random discharges in your mission just putting module into your mission, you are able to use protection against it or also modify its strength! Have you ever tried, what impact will have an EMP in your mission?

This module is also offering single function (for not so dynamic missions).


Type: Module for spawning and controlling mutants.

One of the factions in this modification is the Mutant faction, these strange creatures showed up from nowhere after NAC's experiments and you need to be ready, because they don't want to play with you! This module is for a random spawning of mutants in your mission, you can turn it off whether you want and protect with easy method important persons in your mission against these creatures.

> Editor's depot

I'm trying to describe on everything, what you need to use functions of the [Nightstalkers] Shadow of Namalsk modification.

Here are the most important section, which I will recommend you to check:

Class names >

(Offline version )

Modules description >

(Offline version )

> Installation instructions

About needed version, newer = better. In case of Arma II classic - at least 1.05+

I will recommend you to not play the campaign with mods, which can greatly change gameplay - I can't guarantee, that gameplay will be same as we tested it on original versions of Arma II and Arma II CO.

Extract downloaded archive nc_v1.10.1_full.7z into your Arma II folder and run Arma II with -mod=@NC parameter (default folder name).

All pbo's signed with v2 server keys!

> List of files

List of files in nc_v1.10.1_full.7z

































> Download links

Namalsk Crisis [v1.10.1]


7z archive (Thanks to Foxhound!)

I really recommend you to read everything here, mainly installation instructions, but also other important notes, thanks!

> Thanks to

Apo (testing Namalsk in A1/A2, testing beta version of Namalsk Crisis)

Benny (for his excellent warfare mission)

Eawes (testing, paths for AI, translation, developer support)

Crytek (rifle texture)

Dokix2 (testing Namalsk in A2)

Edge (testing pre-release version)

Grub (testing pre-release version)

GSC Gameworld (some textures, models and sounds)

JTS (propagation, testing)

Kju (config optimalization, advices and bug report)

Mikebart (grass texture)

Pikus (some models of objects)

Rsa Viper (mp testing, developer support)

Saigos (photos for making Jalovisko village)

SenChi (grass texture)

TeaCup (zombie anim)

To all music creators {

 Hans Zimmer

 Sean Murray

 Jesper Kyd

 Rom Di Prisco



 Harry Gregson-Williams

 Norihiko Hibino

 Clinton Shorter

 Clint Mansell

 Two Steps From Hell

 Alexey Omelchuk

 Jon Hallur

 Don Davis

 Graeme Revell

 Groove Armada


 Ondřej Matějka

 Metro 2033

 Massive Attack

 Trevor Rabin

 Peter Antovszki


To all, who helped create Namalsk better with reports

To guys on community forums and pages for support

YOU for playing!

and Bohemia Interactive for great game!

Last few words, all stuff here was created mainly by 1 person in his free time..



leader and creator of Namalsk Crisis campaign & Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk modification


Namalsk Crisis

Type >

SP/MP Campaign

Unique warfare mission

Game >

Arma 2, Arma 2: Combined Operations

Release >

[v1.10] 2011

[v1.15] 2012

[v1.15.1] 2012

[v1.15.2] 2012

[v1.15.3] 2012

[v1.15.4] 2013


©Sumrak 2025